Cerrajero All Locks has been in business for over 30 years. In those 30 years we have been focused in providing the best 24 Hour Mobile and Emergency Locksmith Service.
When looking for 24 Hour Mobile Emergency Locksmith Service Provider…You should be looking for an legitimately established Locksmith company. You can ask for a Merchant Registration Certificate issued by the Department Of Hacienda Of Puerto Rico. This Merchant Registration Certificate will bring you peace of mind and you will be assured that you are working with a legitimate locksmith company. The problem arises if you do not ask for this certificate is that you do not know who you are allowing into your home or business. This person can come with bad intentions and take advantage of you when your are most vulnerable. This is the moment that we should be most guarded and take extreme precautions. Please be careful with these unscrupulous people. In Puerto Rico after earthquakes and hurricanes …there are people trying to fraudulently gain your confidence and access to your home and business because of the dire financial situation.
Another problem you may encounter is that if you are not satisfied with the job or the work done is shoddy then you will have no legal recourse. You can go to DACO and if they are not a legal entity then you cannot file a claim against them because they do not exist in the legal sense. Your best hope is to go to the police and see if they can find them…which I believe will not be successful.
Please do not willingly open your home and business and give them the opportunity to take advantage of the situation without asking the pertinent questions . Please remember to ask for an actualized Merchant Registration Certificate and verify the expiration date. At Cerrajero Locks you can be assured that the certificate is up to date and if you have any problems we are at your service.